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tv   Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Faulkner  FOX News  March 18, 2019 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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because we are excited! >> kennedy: at this point commit three hungry. >> dagen: we are back tomorrow at noon eastern. right now it's all about harris faulkner. erica mares. spew and thank you, dagen. we begin with a bumpy start for beto and a big thank you for democrats. why is he reading so much cash customer thesis "outnumbered overtime." i'm harris faulkner. former democratic congress cond beto o'rourke worked his way across iowa over the weekend. already, he has found himself in some hot water for some missteps. present and past. his writings from his teenage years, and jokes he made at his wife's expense saying she has been raising their three children "sometimes with my help." >> not only will i not say that again -- [laughter] but it will be much more thoughtful going forward in the way i talk about our marriage and also the way in which i acknowledge the truth of the criticism that i've enjoyed white privilege. absolutely undeniable. >> harris: even with those
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mistakes, there is this -- cold hard cash. his campaign announced it took north of $6 million in its first day. the biggest of any contender to date. two congressional and senior correspondent mike emanuel has more from l-uppercase-letter. >> harris, good afternoon for the money pouring in shows there is grassroots excitement for beto o'rourke's campaign. today he was in detroit, selling his message. >> we've never faced a set of greater challenges than the ones that are before us now. i believe as an american and i believe in this great country that this movement also produces our greatest moments of promise. >> beto o'rourke also benefited from some free media in the form of the cover of "vanity fair" magazine. the magazine quoted him as saying, "i'm just born to do this." some criticized him for this saying he feels entitled to the presidency. he later said he hoped he didn't say that. while this campaign is just getting going, he also talked about a potential running mate.
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>> it would be very difficult not to select a woman with so many extraordinary women running right now. but first i would have to win. this is as open as it has ever been. >> o'rourke has taken some heat as a multimillionaire went to boarding school. this is how we handle the question but whether he is socialist during his campaign stop in iowa. >> i think the only way to meet some of these historic challenges is to be able to use the engine of capitalism. it will be government intervention or policy alone that makes it possible. having said that, it is clearly an imperfect, unfair, unjust, and racist capitalist economy. >> a racist capitalist economy. there's also been some criticism that o'rourke's resume is thin. three terms in congress and then an unsuccessful senate run where he also raised a great deal of money. the campaign cash will help get his message out, but you can
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expect democrats will be watching closely to make sure there is some substance to go with the style. >> harris: mike emanuel, thank you very much. from apologies from beto to a slip up from joe biden when he accidentally said he could be ready to jump into the race. watch. >> i've been criticized by the new left. i'm the most progressive record of anybody running -- anybody who would run. [cheers and applause] i didn't mean -- [cheers and applause] of anybody who would run! >> harris: "i didn't mean it!" he said. bob cusack, editor in chief for "the hill." "i didn't mean it!" been covering for so long, could it be he has many dumb it may be a bit of a triable in there? >> he's getting in this race. he already had the team in place. it's just a matter of when he announces. if he is the most progressive candidate come he's going to
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have to answer a lot of questions. is he for abolishing i.c.e.? is he for medicare for all? he voted for the iraq war. he will take some heat for that. i think he wants to learn from beto and have a better lodge than beto o'rourke. of course, he's got to avoid any gaps when joe biden does an ounce. >> harris: you know what, kenny? [laughter] >> maybe for a short amount time he can. but joe is joe. i think that's a strength. he's a likable guy. we've talked to a lot of republicans who say that the person they fear the most against trump in the general election is joe biden. but the question is, can he move left with the party? they have definitely moved left. that's a problem for biden. >> harris: joe biden, just this week -- he said it before. i would imagine he's feeling some pressure now that he sees the party leaning far left, saying that he has actually delivered on that far left promise more than anybody else. who is running. i want to point this out -- we
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talk about his gaps, but there is also 25, 30, 40 years of history in terms of what he has done as a leader. senator chris coons, democrat from delaware, on whether biden would be able to get past some of his controversial stances. let's take a look. >> there are things that he was involved in or said or voted for 25 or 30 or 40 years ago that i expect he will get asked about on the trail. but he has a real and solid record of stepping forward and being a champion for civil rights, for women's rights, for lgbt key rights, and i think on the whole the democratic party primary electorate will be very satisfied with joe biden's record and with his vision for our country. >> harris: what would be a sticky wicket for joe biden? >> certainly i think the biggest one is the iraq war. that really hurt hillary clinton into 2008. i think she would have been president if she voted against the iraq war. joe biden has made a lot of votes, especially on that one, that people are going to question. he's got to have a good answer
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for that. i also think that he's going to have to answer for his record with barack obama, who is very much revered by the democratic establishment. but how would he be different than barack obama question but how would he be more liberal than barack obama? >> harris: it would be interesting to see if barack obama would back in. i think that's a fair question. the guy we will talk about act, better overcome who is in the race -- i don't know if it was a gap for a purpose we will see by joe biden get in. my guess is on friday night for the panel, when i was feeling on the story, i had this to say about beto o'rourke. >> the reason why is he's young, he's vivacious, he's really done an amazing job in texas. he might have lost his race, but what he was able to do is destroy a lot of locally republican elected officials and some of the larger cities. there is something to be said about his willingness, his ability to fund raise, his vitality, and his youth. >> harris: that was richard
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fowler telling me, bob, that beto is the one to watch. is he? >> i think is one of the people to watch. i think is going to have to have a good answer for what he's accomplished in congress. >> harris: three terms. >> the resume is pretty thin. republicans of going after him for just naming a courthouse. he has to be a little bit more decisive. he seems to be playing defense and see lodge. been a little wishy-washy on stances. at the same time, there is no doubt about it -- he can raise a ton of money and he went toe-to-toe with ted cruz. he did lose but it was close. i do think the arrows are coming at him. everybody in the democratic establishment who is rooting for them against ted cruz, now they are taking shots at them. >> harris: real quickly, he comes from texas and that's a state we haven't seen come in for democrats. it did is running against ted cruz help them at all? >> i think it helped in because people know who he is now. when he launches bid to take on ted cruz come a lot of people didn't think you'd come in within ten points. and became kind of a superstar
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in the democratic party. he's had the sizzle, does he have the steak? [laughter] can he bring the policy proposals that the establishment wants to see? >> harris: my family in texas just sat up straight. "did you say state? you're talking about us." senator kiersten gibran of new york wants to run for president this weekend. looks like that. i want to get your thoughts. okay. well, my team doesn't have it. anyway, she did. and one of the big questions coming out of that announcement is -- and i can read a little bit of it for you. the reason why -- we need a leader remains a big, bold, brave choice. that's why i'm running for president and that's why i'm asking for your support." how is that different? doesn't everybody agree that we need a leader? >> yeah, gillibrand has definitely got her challenges. she hasn't gotten a lot of endorsements from congress. i think that's the most important thing. when she served in the house she was more conservative, and she
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had a very conservative voting record. and now she is different. i think that has hampered her launch. she is not getting the attention of bernie sanders or elizabeth warren. i think she's facing some major, major challenges in her campaign. but it's early. you've got a long way to go. >> harris: it is very early. pick me 25 or 30 more who get in. we don't know. bob cues that come from the hill. editor in chief. thank you very much. fox news alert, and information now in the deadly netherlands shooting that the authorities say may have been a terror attack. they have now launched an all-out manhunt for a turkish national expected of killing three people and winning others in and around a tram today and the city of utrecht. senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot now from london. greg? >> that's right, harris. a deadly attack in the center of the dutch city of utrecht. there have been fears all day
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that this could be a terror attack, but we are getting new information regarding that of a shifting focus. we'll get to that moment. let's get to the details of the incident. and they are that authorities now say three people were killed, five people were injured. the attack have been on a tram, a streetcar come at a major intersection in the city. eyewitnesses say a man with what they called big guns fired inside a car of the train and then fled, some say he had hijacked a car. the dutch prime minister had said about two hours ago that terrorism was not excluded creates and then, the man has been identified pretty's 37-year-old gokman tanis, and even of turkey turkey. eyewitness accounts now point to a possible other take on this story which people say they are looking into. according to eyewitnesses, the government was going after specific women on the trim card. others tried to defend her. and gokman tanis was known to police for a string of crimes
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including attempted murder and most recently attempted rape, but not terror. reuters is now quoting a turkish news agency saying it was within the family, this is in it, according to other family membe. again, a lot of tension in the city, especially with global events in the past couple of days, harris. for this city of three to 50,000, had been on lockdown for about six or seven hours just ie past hour. the mayor has lifted that that. it could be underscored. a very dangerous gunman indeed. whatever his motivation is. >> harris: so astute of you to put together what we are all dealing with globally in the last few days. i'm going to bring enough some developments in new zealand. greg, thank you very much. here's the latest on the mass shooting there. the suspect, who fox news is not naming come appeared in court over the weekend. and reportedly plans to represent himself after firing his attorney. authorities say the alleged shooter who was accused of
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killing 50 worshipers at two mosques in the city of christchurch on friday, it likely acted alone. but they are investigating any contacts he may have made in other countries. this, as new zealand's prime minister is promising to change the nation's gun laws. >> the cabinet today made in-principal decisions about the reform of our gun laws. i intend to give further detail of these decisions to the media and public before cabinet meets again next monday. this ultimately means that within ten days of this horrific act of terrorism will have announced reforms which will, i believe, make our community safer. >> harris: australian police have also raided the homes of the accused gunman's mother and sister as part of their probe. fox news alert on this, the ethiopian official now saying -- we've been hearing from -- investigators have uncovered "clear similarities" between the fatal crashes of an ethiopian
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airlines jet this month and the same type of boeing jet in indonesia last october. this, as u.s. officials are now reportedly scrutinizing the development of boeing's 737 max eight tryon- 9 jetliners. life rest the latest >> good afternoon, harris. "the wall street journal" reporting swearing that both the department of justice center enters rotation about u.s. inspector general have an open investigations into the development and certification of the max 8. in the doj case, the day after the ethiopian airlines crash, a grand jury issued a white-ranging subpoena for documentation and email correspondence to at least one member of the team that developed the plane. it is highly unusual, the general says, for prosecutors to delve into the regulatory approval of a commercial airliner. the d.o.t. ig would either confirm or deny to fox the existence of any investigation. in europe, meanwhile, the first details of the readout of the flight data recorder shows
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similarities between the crash of the if you been airlines and the lionair crash months purposely. they show that the intestinal system, which is designed to live in the plane's nose to compensate for the max 8 tendency to pitch up under full power was indeed activated as it was in the lionair crash. recall that in the lionair crash, the angle of an attack vein -- which is not unlike a wind vane -- was not functioning. feeding erroneous data to the mcas. we don't know if that was the case of the few bit airlines. in the statement yesterday, boeing's ceo said, and i quote, "boeing is finalizing the announcement of a previously announced software update and revision of pilot training that will address the behavior in response to erroneous sensor inputs." many experts are also suggesting that pilot training may also have contributed to the crash, noting that the first officer in the ethiopia trash had only 200
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hours in the cockpit. >> i think it's an issue that perhaps these foreign -- smaller foreign carriers don't train their crews. again, i get back to the same thing. when ethiopian has a 200 hour pilot in the copilot seat, that is a real red flag. i think we have an issue also with the operators not understanding the airplane. >> keep in mind that the lead investigator is the transport ministry of ethiopia. they are part of a developing country, of the training of their parents , and are likely to resist any suggestion that the pilots were undertrained. that yet remains to be seen, and it will evolve as this investigation does, harris. >> harris: before they go, it's something i've been wondering today -- a timeline for when we might see things flying again for southwest and american. those are the workhorses of those airlines. the 737 maxes. >> the speculation as it could be several months. i would hazard a guess that it might be a little bit sooner
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than that, depending on how these legal investigations evolve. we know that this software fix was well underway even prior to the ethiopia crash. so it's there, they've got the test it out. once it is tested out and confirmed, and approved by the faa, i would suspect this prank don't like planes are ready to operate again they'll be up in the air. >> harris: doug mckelway, thank you very much. we appreciate that. deadly flooding in the nation's heartland. forcing thousands of people from their homes and businesses. and now, people in parts of kansas and missouri are preparing for more. even worse. a live report. and the deadline day for dozens of targets to turn over documents for the democrat-led house judiciary committee's investigation into president trump. but now the panel chairman, during other, is being accused of overreach. i will bring in andy biggs of arizona, member of that committee, to tell me all about
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it. stay with me. >> as the chairman wants to come down and have a fishing trip, i've got some great trouts. i will happy to let in. but he should be fishing with the american people's money on wasted topics. ♪ ensure max protein... to give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you don't. (straining) i'll take that. (cheers) 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. ensure max protein. in two great flavors. we're finally going on the trip i've been promising. because with expedia, i saved when i added a hotel to our flight. ♪ so even when she outgrows her costume,
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go to, or call 1-877-423-5734. want more from your entejust say teach me more. into your xfinice remote to discover all sorts of tips and tricks in x1. can i find my wifi password?
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just ask. [ ding ] show me my wifi password. hey now! [ ding ] you can even troubleshoot, learn new voice commands and much more. clean my daughter's room. [ ding ] oh, it won't do that. welp, someone should. just say "teach me more" into your voice remote and see how you can have an even better x1 experience. simple. easy. awesome. >> harris: a massive fire in the chemical plant near suburban houston is still burning. more than 20 hours after it started. the flames are spreading to eight storage tanks, full of gasoline byproducts, forcing the closure of nearby schools and a texas highway. governor grant app it says state officials will continue to monitor the situation as efforts push on to put out the fire with foam. all 30 employees of international terminal company have been accounted for. no reported injuries, thank goodness.
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house judiciary committee chairman jerry nadler is setting a deadline today for 81 people and entities connected to president trump to turn over documents for his panel's investigations into the president. nadler told "hell" expect about half of them to comply and a handful of others to fight. the committee's ranking member, doug collins, is accusing democrats of overreaching to appease their base. >> jerry nadler has sent out letters using the asking for information raining on my topics. you almost know that they are concerned about mueller not having what they want because only 30 of these letters actually had anything to do with russia. gracing a politically-motivated agenda to impeach the president and make him look bad for the 2020 election. we are going to be fighting against this. we will be fighting the overreach. we will be fighting to do what congress is supposed to do, not the fishing trip that they want to be on. spew when we bring in republican congressman andy biggs of the house judiciary committee, right on time with that perfect.
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thanks for joining me. everybody has got a base. so your congressman, talking about that. as a democrat base really clamoring for more documents? >> i do know that the base is, but there is this radical arm of the conference, even, and they just can't stand this president. they have wanted to do to legitimize him from day one. they wanted to impeach in. you will member that congressman greene said the day after the election he was going to preach president trump. and maxine waters. they have all had this mantra in place, so the mueller report an investigation was something they were going to really hang their hat on. that was the peg. it looks like it may not do what they thought it would do. so now they -- >> harris: why do you say that that? >> if we were going to see something with regard to collusion, with russia, to influence the election, by the trump campaign -- which is really what they were supposed to be looking at -- we would
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have seen that by now. by the way, you had so many people, whether it's comey or clapper or whatever, say there was no collusion. there was no collusion, there's nothing there, so now mueller has expanded and we are not seeing anything related to the trump campaign or mr. trump. all these indictments are on other things, whether it's manafort so far out problems or tax evasion problems. you are not seeing the reality tied to president trump. so now they are just shooting in the dark. it's a fishing expedition, as ranking member collins said. that's why they are going after this. be when you know, congressman, just hit me -- i've heard other people say if they had something you would see it. but the way you put it, it would be tied to the election. and we are coming up now on another election cycle. it would be an emergency to tell us if there had been collusion going on. i'm just asking the question because we have got to protect against, and that information would be helpful.
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>> absolutely right. we have found out is that they bought some facebook ads and they were trying to control that. they didn't get into any machines, as far as we know. not a single vote was changed. but they tried to influence, is the word that we are getting. so that's what you have the russian entities indicted. we need to take action to protect against that. but we also need to find out for sure if they are hacking into our voting machines, and take care of that. but they are not going for that because that's not been the raison d'etre. they want to delegitimize at a possible impeach president from. they missed the mark. >> harris: before lugo calmly heard collins and others say, even nadler, the people may try to fight this. how is that going to affect people who weren't expecting on that list after five or something? it's expensive? >> that's one of the reasons. one of the rationales is that
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they want to intimidate people that may know something or might have supported president trump. because they want to pond don't i punish people who supported president trump as part of the whole delegitimization narrative. so when you turn people that were trump dome i close the trouble with men. >> harris: andy biggs from the great state of arizona, thank you for being with me today to talk about this. >> good to be with you, harris. thanks. >> harris: dudley and historic flooding. i mentioned moms go. it's happening in the nation's heartland and the forecast is punishing. already, thousands of homes, businesses, damage. for some of the area, the worst is still to come. a live report next. and, new questions about air safety after the boeing crash in ethiopia. and its connection to an average of the crash last fall. a former faa investigator will weigh in, we will take the story deeper. keep watching. ♪ oh! oh!
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>> harris: fox news alert on the devastating flooding that is happening in the midwest. at least three people are dead, heavy rain and melting snow is
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making rivers swell over their banks and because some clear of us to fail. there been evacuations across iowa and nebraska. in some rescues amid the rising waters. alicia acuna is reporting live in denver with the latest on this. and the forecast looks punishing. >> he does, harris. there is more on the way. the national weather service says right now 9 million people live where flood warnings are in effect. were talking about the mississippi and missouri river basins. to look at this map here. folks in 14 states are seeing a result of heavy rains and snow melt, historic river flooding. governors in iowa, wisconsin, and nebraska have declared states of emergency. the nebraska emergency management agency reports close to 300 people have been rescued, roads and bridges are washed out, as the missouri river broke its record level by 4 feet. one forecaster in nebraska says this happened when that
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bomb cyclone storm hit the region last week, dumping rain and snow onto frozen ground. followed by more rain. that smelled the rivers. one problem rescuers are running into -- and this happens every time because natural disaster -- folks don't leave when they are told to evacuate. that's how people die. nebraska's emergency management is telling folks come if they ignore the evacuation recommendations, giving them out later may be delayed. the community of fremont, nebraska, has been cut off by rising water. >> we are trapped. can't get in or out of fremont. so planes are flying in supplies from all over. little lear jets nose. they are unloading them and bringing them here, and then we are distributing them to churches and the middle school, where there is a shelter there. anyone that needs it. >> in iowa, it's a similar story with more than 2,000 people right now out of their homes. here is the governor. >> we had significant damage.
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every levy south of council bluffs to the missouri border has been breached. that is something that we are going to have to deal with going forward. how do you -- how do you fix them? >> we are talking about untold damage to farms and ranches because, harris, right now they are all underwater. as you mentioned, it's going to continue. the national weather service says these conditions could go until wednesday. harris? >> harris: we will be thinking about this people. that is tough. thank you very much. i want to get back to one of fox's top stories now, the investigation into the deadly ethiopian airlines crash. "the wall street journal"'s reporting, federal authorities are now taking a closer look at the development of boeing 737 max planes. i want to bring in dr. alan diehl, former investigator and an faa headquarters scientist back when automation was introduced to jetliners. and the author of "air safety investigators."
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perfect avenue you want to make me think of her during me. i want to jump right in to this vetting process. this is what's making news today. boeing's role in vetting its own jets is now under fire. why would that be? >> it's because the federal aviation administration needs to be carefully scrutinizing what boeing was proposing. in fact, they did tell boeing that they -- they agreed with boeing, you need an anti-stall system on this airplane because it handles differently than the earlier models. >> harris: did that not happen? or do we know that yet? >> the intestinal system wasn't -- it was part of the certification. the problem was that boeing did not do a good job of informing the pilots that this system was there, how it works, and most importantly, how you shut it off of those electric motors try to shove your nose down. they are getting erroneous
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signals from a sensor. the faa did not require the additional training, nor did it have a device aboard the aircraft to warn the pilots that the two sensors weren't agreeing with each other. >> harris: what i love about having you on the program is what i was going to say, because you were in those are the automation days. even the president has piped up about -- and questions whether or not the software in these planes were maybe too advanced for the pilots by the controls. ironically, what we find out is, at least one of them, the answer is yes. he had 200 hours flying time and they hadn't been briefed, as you've just said, in this anti-stall mechanism. >> absolutely. we saw this early, and when the administrator called me -- back when the first automated aircraft were just coming on, i cautioned him that we need to be very careful. he asked me if automation would be safe, and i said, "it can be a real boon to safety come but you need to do your homework
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very carefully and look at both the system safety and the ergonomic issues involved with highly-automated cockpits." this is not a boeing problem. the airbus is more automated than the boeing's. in fact come into thousand eight, a similar thing happened to an airbus owned by air new zealand on a test flight. the angle of attack sensor failed, the automation confuse the pilots and they crashed into the mediterranean. so this is not just a boeing problem. it's an industry problem. as a regulatory problem. i'm glad to see they are investigating this and the department of transportation and perhaps the justice department. >> harris: i meant to "the wall street journal" reporting. actually it was march 11 that a grand jury had issued a subpoena to try to get more information, at least from one of the scientists who would have helped develop some of what you are talking about. you are a scientist to help develop some things. your last thought on where we are and where we might see in this flying again? >> i believe it will be fairly soon. it sounds like after the october
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crash involving lionair, indonesia, boeing began to look at fixes. and the faa was looking over their shoulder. so i suspect, much like happened with the 787 dreamliner, that was -- it was a battery problem. he took them four months to get that aircraft back in the air. i suspect we are looking at a few months. because boeing and the faa are are already looking at this. >> harris: doctor, forgive me for stepping on you. we have to get this breaking news. i will bring you back at another time. i so appreciate your time and expertise. you taught us a lot today, thank you. we need to get to the breaking news in the netherlands. police chiefs there are thing the suspect in the deadly trim shooting has been caught, arrested, the suspected gunman killed three people and wounded five earlier today. this is in utrecht, and affluence. we've been following this, there was a manhunt. we were told at the time, and we will have to do more reporting
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to see if this health, that they were looking for a turkish national. the news, as we get it on this. but an arrest has been made in the deadly shooting that happened earlier today in the netherlands. the leadership there was calling it what looked like a terror attack. and now an arrest. we will learn more in the next short while during "outnumbered overtime." we will bring it to you as we learn it. after president trump's second face-to-face meeting with north korean leader kim jong un failed to provide a nuclear weapons agreement, a written communiqué, as they say. the lustration is not delivering a stark warning. that any attempt to resume missile testing would be "a breach of trust." tears acting house chief of staff mick mulvaney. >> i think the resumption of missile testing would be seen as sort of a violation of some sort of breach of trust. i think there was a general understanding that there was no reason for that to continue as long as we were continuing to have conversations. i can foresee the president and the chairman sitting down at
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some point in the future, but if they were to be contesting again that would be seen as a truly disappointing turn of events. >> harris: garrett tenney now the state department. >> harris, the nist rations try to be optimistic by the stall negotiations with north korea. mick mulvaney even said that just because there is not ideal in vietnam doesn't mean there will be one in the future. but in a radio interview on sunday, national security advisor john bolton warned north korea not to follow through on threats to renew missile tests. >> north koreans really unfortunately were not willing to do what they needed to do, and just last night the issued and unhelpful statement saying they were thinking of going back to nuclear and ballistic missiles testing which would not be a good idea on their part. >> on friday, north korean officials said kim jong un was considering breaking up talks of the u.s. and be starting his missile testing. the north also blamed the bolton and secretary of state mike pompeo for the failure of the summit by claiming the pair created an atmosphere of
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hostility and mistrust. despite that, in a redo injury, pompeii orchid process "we have the toughest sections of history, but the most promising to the medic engaging in history as well. we made some progress and annoyed." three weeks back when they travel through the chairman can come we will reengage with him. "he rebated that chairman kim told president trump he would nt begin testing missiles again. for reference, north korea's last missile test was at the end of 2017. >> harris: it has been a while. we will be watching this for develop month. garrett tenney, thank you very much. the men suspected of killing a refuted mom boss in new york city last month is supposed to appear in court today. love reporting but police say prompted him to open fire on franky boy cali. ♪ it lets you borrow up to 100 percent of your home's value.
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>> harris: the man suspected of killing reputed mob boss francesca cali is scheduled to appear in the new jersey courtroom today. 24-year-old anthony comello was arrested in new jersey over the weekend. he is accused of shooting cali outside his staten island home last week. bryan llenas with the latest on this. well matt, this has a lot of twists and turns. >> yes it does come harris. anthony comello is set to appear in court at 2:30 p.m. today in new jersey where he is expected to waive his right to an extradition hearing and will some point be transferred to track staten island new york to face murder charges in the death of mob boss francesco franky boy cali. he's accused of shooting him ten times last wednesday outside of cali staten island home. initially, this was seen as a sign of open mafia violence, and the kind of inter-mob conflict not seen in more than 30 years. according to news reports, the preliminary investigation suggests this isn't related to organized crime and instead is
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related to a love interest. investigators are reportedly looking into whether comello was forbidden from pursuing a relationship with the mob boss' niece. the police department says they have not determined the motive. >> was he acting alone? was he acting for other people? are there others involved? what is the motive? i simply, standing here, do not have all those answers for you. that is what we will, as they do scoot forward, worked to ensure. >> sources new york post that law enforcement is anticipating a possible assassination attempt on comello for killing the mob boss. one source saying, "the general feeling is there is a possible x on his back. "comello is accused to parking his truck outside his parked car, he shows you that have a conversation with cali for about a minute before he was shot. fingerprints have been recovered from cali's license plate that had fallen off of cali's escalade.
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the nypd has comello's truck, but they've not found the handgun used in his murder. we have reached out to comello's lawyer for a statement and they have yet to respond. >> harris: we will come back when you get a response from them. bryan llenas, thank you very much. $6 million in cash as people are betting on beto. does the former congressman of three terms from texas who lost the senator ted cruz in november have what it takes to get to the west? the power panel slides in. ♪ if you have moderate to severe psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, little things can be a big deal. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain.
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>> dana: hi, everyone. and dana perino. authorities given details moment to go by the suspect in that attack in the netherlands, that left at least three people dead. grabbing most of the headlines this week is beto o'rourke. which of the other candidate have to do to compete? i will ask the newest contributor to weigh in. there's a new recommendation about whether you should take aspirin to prevent heart disease. we will tell you about that on "the daily briefing." >> harris: today, but it will work is campaigning in michigan, following his rocky rollout in iowa over the begin. the former democratic congressman forced to apologize for a joke that he made at his wife's expense. noting that he had benefited from "white privilege" despite s campaign reports raising $6.124 million hours.
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the largest first day howl of any democratic and average data. the power panel now, alex wilkes, senior vice president for america rising. jason nichols. you look so happy! [laughter] a professor at the university of maryland. what he so happy about? beto is raising money paid why did they give their money this early? i'm just curious. is he someone they should bet on puttsmac what you think? >> i think he could be. i'm not going to fill all of my weight behind him, which is probably not a lot, but i wouldn't throw it all lined up at this. i think he is somebody who is charismatic and really, what we are -- what people on the left are looking for right now is someone who has enough personality to beat trump. you saw the excitement in many parts of texas which was unprecedented for somebody blue in that state. i think a lot of people see a lot of promise in him. he's got some obama-like characteristics. so people are excited and he has an opportunity to really grab it and take us all the way this
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time. >> harris: obama-like characteristics. alex, i'm curious -- that was the most transparent answer, by the way, that i've heard from a democrat recently. they were looking for somebody with personality who can beat the donald trump. boy, that will have to be a big personality. >> absolutely. you will have to have some more substance. $6.1 million is nothing to sneeze at. however, he did have a big fund-raising list to begin with. he had a great base of support to draw upon for this. i think, harris, we are really wondering about -- as you say in texas -- if this guy is no hat and no cattle. he can't articulate a position on the democrats favor, medicare for all. america rising had a clip of him casually throwing out there that he would be open to -- he's posing for "vanity fair," making his jokes in the campaign trail. but i think it's a little early to tell whether or not he has what it takes to have that bright spotlight shine on him in
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a presidential context. >> harris: i'm just wondering why is there are so spotlight. and joe biden had a gap yesterday, accidentally said he was getting in. then he pulled back. i have but to think that when your politics that many years you don't really have a gaffe like that. like a return to telegraph it up. you think there is pressure on the other candidates in your party, jason customer to do something big and bold at this point? this guy is scooping up money, he's light on being able to tell people why he's running. >> i think people just need to stay the course and be themselves. we will see -- >> harris: who do you like? >> i'm still open right now. >> harris: do see where that's an interesting answer? because you've got some big names in the game right now. when you look at some of the fox news pulling out a of others, you've got joe biden and bernie sanders soaking up 51% just with the two of them. if you just add them up. how can you not know you want? >> i think joe biden has some issues from his past, particularly with criminal
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justice. i think i'm going up against trump, who actually did something about criminal justice, could be problematic. some of the things with anita hill, he has some issues with. so i think joe biden is not necessarily the perfect candidate. if you are looking for the perfect guy or woman -- >> harris: nobody perfect. that would not be the case. alex, i want to play this from former democratic mayor from new orleans, mitchell and her watch this >> he got criticized for his opening because he meets in the steps. but that's a number this morning but you have to look at. that's a big number. of course, if you want to stay in this game you have to be able to raise money. at some point in time you have to come up with a platform. so elizabeth warren is producing books and not raising as much, and he is not producing that much and he raised a bucket load. but as the campaign goes on, all these candidates off to flush out with their ideas are for the country. >> harris: does the money impress or scare you on your side? real quick. >> i think at the end of the data still have to put up or shut up on the policy ideas.
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the fact that beto cannot articulate why it is that he's running or what he's doing, it's a major problem for them. >> harris: thank you but don't like both.
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>> dana: thank you so much for watching outnumbered. here is dana. >> dana: "the daily briefing" starts now, three big stories first boeing under scrutiny following the 737 max plane crashes. new details emerged about how the faa certified control flight systems. which of these candidates born to run in 2020 both making and changing comments about that phrase this weekend. plus the swing state of colorado is the latest to join in the national popular vote movement. what that means for the next election. hello, everyone i am dana perino and this is "the daily briefing." ♪ but first, an arrest has been made in a deadly shooting on a tram and the nethe


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